+{damage:%s} Damage when shooting Enemies in the back.
You can Hipfire with this weapon while Sprinting.
+{bullet_amount:%s} bullets loaded from Reserve on Critical Hit.
+{rend:%s} Rending on Energised Hit.
+{rend:%s} Rending on Critical Hit (explosion only)
+{rend:%s} Rending (Armoured Enemies) on Repeated Hit.
Target receives {stacks:%s} Stacks of {rending:%s} Brittleness on direct projectile hit. Lasts {time:%s}s
Target receives {stacks:%s} stacks of {rending:%s} Brittleness on weapon special hit. Lasts {time:%s}s
+{stacks:%s} Bleed Stacks from Special Attacks.
+{stacks:%s} Bleed Stacks on Critical Hit.
+{stacks:%s} Bleed Stacks on non-Weak Spot Hits.
+{proc_chance:%s} chance of +Burn {stacks:%s} on Special Attack (Mainstay Enemies).
+{stacks:%s} Burn Stack(s) on Critical Hit to a maximum of {max_stacks:%s} Stack(s).
This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by {block_cost:%s}.
+{cleave:%s} Cleave on Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{crit_chance:%s} Bonus Critical Chance on Chained Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Continuously chaining more than 2 attacks gives +{power_level:%s} Power. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power Level on Repeated Weak Spot Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Quell {warp_charge:%s} of Peril on Repeated Weak Spot Hit.
{proc_chance:%s}% chance Elite and Special enemies Explode on kill.
+{proc_chance:%s}% chance enemy Explodes if killed by Special Attack.
Shots Cleave and never Explode vs Unarmoured targets.
Increased Cleave on Critical Hit.
+{damage:%s} Close Range damage on Repeated Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{impact:%s} Impact for {time:%s} seconds on Repeated Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Immune to Ranged Attacks for {time:%s}s on Close Range Kill.
Immune to Ranged Attacks for {time:%s}s on Weak Spot Hit.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for every {time:%s} second while aiming. Stacks {stacks:%s} times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for each expended round in your weapon (resets on reload).
+{crit_chance:%s} Ranged Critical Chance after Melee Kill for {time:%s} seconds.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for each Enemy Hit by the Blast.
Cleaving trough several enemies with gauntlet melee attack increases crit chance by {crit_chance:%s} for {time:%s} seconds.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance on first Hit from a Salvo.
Hitting multiple enemies increases critical hit chance by {crit_chance:%s} for {time:%s} seconds.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for each Enemy Hit by your previous attack. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{crit_chance:%s} for {time:%s}s on hitting Armour.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for {time:%s}s on Pushing Enemies.
Up to +{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance (scales on Heat Level).
+{crit_weakspot_damage:%s} Critical Weak Spot Damage.
Up to +{damage:%s} Damage on Hit (Staggered Enemy), scaling with Stagger.
Refreshed Dodge Efficiency on Weak Spot Hit.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for {time:%s}s on successful Dodge.
+{damage:%s} Finesse Damage for {time:%s}s on successful Dodge.
{value:%s} Shots on Critical Hit.
+{power_level:%s} Power for {time:%s} s on Elite Kill. Stacks {stacks:%s} times, deteriorating one at a time.
+1 Explosion on Energised Hit (Armoured Enemies).
+{extra_hits:%s} Extra Chained Energised Hits.
Chaining Charged Attacks reduces their Charge Time by {charge_time:%s}. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
{charge_time:%s} Charge Time on Chained Secondary Attack. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{reload_speed:%s} Reload Speed if empty.
+{ammo:%s} Reduced Ammo use after not shooting for {time:%s}s.
+{damage:%s} Damage on Third and Fourth shots in a Salvo.
Your Grenades stick to Ogryns and Monstrosities
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance on Special Attack Kill.
Guaranteed Stagger (Next Attack) on Critical Hit.
+{proc_chance:%s} to Instakill human-sized enemies on Chained Heavy Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
-{hit_mass:%s} Enemy Hit Mass for {time:%s}s on Kill.
-{stagger_reduction:%s} Target Stagger Resistance for {time:%s}s on Special Action Hit.
-{stagger_reduction:%s} Target Stagger Resistance for {time:%s}s on Weak Spot Special Action Hit.
-Target {stagger_reduction:%s} Stagger Resistance on Weak Spot Hit.
Primary Attack ignores {stagger_reduction:%s} Stagger Resistance on Burning Enemies, as well as dealing +{impact_modifier:%s} Impact.
+{movement_speed:%s} Sprint speed for {time:%s}s after Dodging a Ranged Attack.
Gain +{attack_speed:%s} Attack Speed for {time:%s} seconds after Killing an Enemy at close range. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{damage:%s} Damage for {time:%s} seconds on Kill.
+{power_level:%s} Power for {time:%s}s on Close Range Kill.
+{power_level:%s} Power for {time:%s}s on Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power for {time:%s}s on Kill. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Each target in a sweep receives {impact:%s} more impact damage, times the number of previous hits in the sweep.
Hitting at least {multiple_hit:%s} enemies with an attack, increases your cleave by {cleave:%s} for {time:%s} seconds.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for {time:%s}s on Special Action Hit (Staggered Enemy).
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for {time:%s}s on Weak Spot Kill.
Gain between {crit_chance:%s} and {crit_chance_max:%s} Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
+{damage:%s} Damage (Staggered Enemies).
Hitting at least {multiple_hit:%s} enemies with an attack, increases your damage by {damage:%s} for {time:%s} seconds.
+{power:%s} Power (next attack) on Weapon Special attack Hit.
Gain Ranged Attack Immunity and +{sprint_speed:%s} Sprint Speed while sprinting with over {stamina:%s} Stamina.
+{damage:%s} Weak Spot Damage (Enemies with Bleed Stacks).
+{damage:%s} Weak Spot Damage for {time:%s} seconds on Pushing Enemies.
Increased Scope Zoom
Your Energised Attacks have increased Cleave
+{hit_mass:%s} Cleave for {time:%s} seconds on Critical Hit.
+{weakspot_damage:%s} Weak Spot Damage. Weakspot Kills also ignore Enemy Hit Mass.
+{charge_speed:%s}Charge Speed on low Overheat. Stacks up to {stacks:%s} times.
Up to +{damage:%s} Damage on Next Attack scaling with Charge Time (Heavy Attack).
+{movement_speed:%s} Movement Speed for {time:%s}s on Special Action Hit.
+{movement_speed:%s} Movement Speed for {time:%s}s on Weapon Special Activation.
-{movement_speed:%s} Movement Speed Reduction for every {ammo:%s} of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{stagger:%s} Target Stagger on Weak Spot Hit.
Active Ventilation is slower but you don't take damage.
Critical Hits ignore Hit Mass Bonus from Armour.
Fully Charged Heavy Attacks ignore Enemy Hit Mass.
Special Attacks ignore Hit Mass Bonus from Armour.
Quell {warp_charge:%s} of your Peril on Weak Spot Hit.
Up to +{power_level:%s} Power based on the charge time of your heavy attacks. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power every {time:%s} seconds while aiming, stacking {stacks:%s} times. Discharges all stacks upon firing.
+{power:%s} Power for every {hit:%s} Single Target Hits. Lasts {time:%s}s and Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power on Chained Weak Spot Hit (Any Target). Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power for every {ammo:%s} of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power for every shot fired during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power on your First Attack every {cooldown:%s} seconds.
+{power_level:%s} Power on Salvo's First shot.
+{power_level:%s} Power for {time:%s}s when every bullet in a shot hits the same enemy.
Up to +{power_level:%s} Power, as Stamina depletes.
Up to +{power_level:%s} Power, scaling with remaining Ammunition. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{damage:%s} Damage against Suppressed Enemies, +{suppression:%s} Suppression and -{recoil_reduction:%s} Recoil on Close Range Kill.
+{reload_speed:%s} Reload Speed after Dodging for {time:%s}s.
+{reload_speed:%s} Reload Speed for {time:%s} seconds after Melee Kill.
Target receives up to {stacks:%s} Stacks of {rending:%s} Brittleness, scaling with charge time of Secondary Attack. Lasts {time:%s}s.
+{rending:%s} Rending on Backstab Hit.
+{rend:%s} Rending on Critical Hit.
{power_level:%s} Power bonus on your ranged attack for {time:%s} seconds after cleaving through several enemies with your weapon's special attack.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance for every {ammo:%s} of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{crit_chance:%s} Critical Chance on Weak Spot Hit until your next Critical Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{impact:%s} Impact for {time:%s}s on Hit. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{power_level:%s} Power for every Enemy you Stagger. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Hitting multiple enemies in one sweep gives {rending:%s} Rending for {time:%s} seconds. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{finesse:%s} Finesse for {time:%s}s on Enemy One-Shot. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{rending:%s} Rending on Enemy Weak Spot Hit for {time:%s}s. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Target receives {stacks:%s} Stack(s) of +{damage:%s} Damage if already Staggered. Lasts {time:%s}s.
Target receives {stacks:%s} Stack(s) of +{impact:%s} Impact if already Staggered. Lasts {time:%s}s.
Gain Suppression Immunity for {time:%s}s on Weak Spot Hit.
Suppress Enemies within {range:%s} Radius on Close Range Kill.
+{suppression:%s} Suppression for every {ammo:%s} of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
Target receives {stacks:%s} Stacks of {rending:%s} Brittleness on Hit. Lasts {time:%s}s.
Staggering enemies will make them prioritise you as a target over other players.
+{toughness:%s} Toughness on Close Range Kill.
+{toughness:%s} Toughness for every {ammo:%s} of magazine spent during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{toughness:%s} Toughness for every shot fired during continuous fire. Stacks {stacks:%s} times.
+{toughness:%s} Toughness on Critical Hit Kill.
+{toughness:%s} Toughness on Elite Kill.
+{toughness:%s} toughness on Chained Hit.
Hitting at least {multiple_hit:%s} enemies with an attack, restores {toughness:%s} toughness.
Your Secondary Attack cannot be interrupted.
Enemy gains +{stacks:%s} Stack(s) of Soulblaze on Critical Hit, to a maximum of {max_stacks:%s} Stack(s).
Up to +{power_level:%s} Power, scaling with Peril.
Enemy gains +{stacks:%s} Stacks of Soulblaze on Critical Hit.
+{damage:%s} Damage on Weak Spot Special Action Hit.
+{power_level:%s}Melee Power for {time:%s}s on Hitting 3+ Enemies with a Ranged Attack.